Monday, November 17, 2008

About Last Night... The Awearness Book Launch Party at Kenneth Cole

Anyone familiar with the thought-provoking and at times controversial ad campaigns of Kenneth Cole knows that Kenneth Cole is more just a brand that makes nice leather shoes. Last night, Kenneth Cole hosted a party celebrating his new book, Awearness: Inspiring Stories About How to Make a Difference.

Featuring contributions by the likes of Lance Armstrong, Jon Bon Jovi, Mia Farrow, Robert Kennedy Jr., Martin Luther King III, Matisyahu and many others, it's a collection of 86 essays "by individuals who have been inspired to do their part to effect meaningful social change." Jam-packed and jumping, Kenneth's 42nd St. store was filled to the brim last night with a slew of altruistic celebs who dropped in.

~ Hath

PS: To use the link, you may have to log in to your Amazon account. Basically, you can read Jon's essay online. The essay is:

Jon Bon Jovi / Maria Cuomo Cole: On Rethinking Homelessness in America


Shelly November 17, 2008 at 10:30 PM  

Thanks Hath for letting us know about this.
JBJ's Essay just makes me even more proud to be a fan.

Anonymous,  November 17, 2008 at 10:40 PM  

Ken will be signing this book at the Barnes and Noble in Tribecca on Monday, November 24th. I'll be zipping in to join the cue for the chance to meet the man and pick up a copy.

I just hope I can keep from telling him his sizing system bites. I wear medium so why did the large coat not fit me?!?!?! Wah!!

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