NYE Press Kit
Thanks, Kiwi, for dropping a line on this.
From Katherine Heigl's website:
Warner Bros. has released the electronic press kit for New Year's Eve which features a collection of clips, interview sound bites and behind-the-scenes b-roll footage from the movie, which debuts in theatres domestically on December 9.
Katherine Heigl sets the scene for her character Laura's story in the interview clip below and discusses working with co-star Jon Bon Jovi in the Garry Marshall directed ensemble comedy.
In this preview clip entitled "Biggest Night" Laura has a breakdown in the kitchen after running into former flame Jensen (Jon Bon Jovi) at the high profile New Year's Eve gig she is catering.
There are also three extensive b-roll clips within the press kit, that look at the production of the movie and provide a different perspective from behind-the-scenes, with footage compiled as the film was being shot.
Visit Trailer Addict to see other cast members chatting about their roles and more previews and snippets from the production. Lots of clips from the movie. And a brief interview with Jon:
~ Hath
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