5 weeks ago
On February 15th, I noticed that some of my mediafire links didn't work. My had been suspended and subsequently deleted because a company called Muso had filed an erroneous complaint against three of my "Wanted Wednesday" files for copyright infringement. Mediafire says there's nothing they can do -- all my files are gone. I'm working on it, but it's slow going.
~ Hath
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I love the close up of Richie. He looks so hot.
Hath...can you gather all the mid-day motivators into one link on your blog? I know you can do a search and get a list of links but a single link where one can just scroll the pics would be sweet.
@Anon, ask and ye shall receive... They're all linked above :)
Love this one! If you haven't (which I doubt) seen the photo on Bonjovi.com from "last night" 12/19 at the Sydney Football Stadium of Jon and Richie--go there now! Mama always said trouble comes in twos--Why Oh Why can't that brand of trouble find me????
Thank you Hath, the mid-day motivators tab is just perfect!!!!
OH MY GOD! please give me a break you two (Jon & Richie). Boy, they're HOT! I usually don't like when they were those darn sunglasses, but since Jon sees me naked in his mind, I will comply ;). Good one Catte. As always!
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