It's What I Do...
Alright, so those of you who know me IRL already know this, but I feel an urge to tell you what my RL persona does to pay the bills.
I work for a huge Financial Services provider (don't bitch to me about your 401k or fund performance, please; my portfolio sucks too) responsible for Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, Change Management, and all non-live environment management.
Don't worry, I know at least 25% of you read blah-blah-blah, but for the rest... I'm currently at the World Trade Center in Boston at an all day conference discussing new software getting rolled out next year for Change Management. If that sounds scintillating (cue the eye roll), imagine how I feel!?!
In any event, not only am I stuck out here all flipping day, but I have NO internet connection here, so the conference breaks are painful.
So, as you take your trips through Joviland today, think of me stuck in this windowless boardroom, with only my blackberry for amusement.
And remember I have inch long acrylics, and an itty-bitty keyboard.
~ Hath
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