5 weeks ago
On February 15th, I noticed that some of my mediafire links didn't work. My had been suspended and subsequently deleted because a company called Muso had filed an erroneous complaint against three of my "Wanted Wednesday" files for copyright infringement. Mediafire says there's nothing they can do -- all my files are gone. I'm working on it, but it's slow going.
~ Hath
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At one of last summer's Toronto shows, I saw a sign that said "Jon, I'll marry your son!" At first I thought it was sooo inappropriate for a grown woman to hold up such a sign, but then I saw that it was a little kid, probably 8-9 years old. Adorable! (I can say that cuz I wasn't standing right behind her, lol)
This one made me crack up!
"Who Says You Can't Go Home With Me?!?!?"
Friend of mine held up one that yelled "Jon show us your 6 pack" so he did. yep didn't mind the sign after that. Another one was in Boston and the girl held it up and we were like back 15 row and she held it up yelling for JOn to dance with her. On that small stage they would have ended up on top of people.
Thank goodness I have never been behind anyone with a sign, but when we were at the concert in Gulf Shores Alabama this lady had made a quilt that had all of the albums on it. It was for David so she even included his solo records. It was beautiful. Obie took it. That was kind of cool.
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