
...You're the present 'neath my Christmas tree
Could you just imagine waking up to this Christmas morning? A foursome of lovelies arrived to tend to your every whim?
When I first saw this picture, I wondered if Richie's ever given Jon a smack on the ass, just to see what he'd do.
This should be my least favorite picture, because it's the sad one. It's the goodbye picture. But I can't be too sad -- the tour is ramping up, and I can't wait to get out there.
I wonder if they get all juiced up for the tour too.
I'd bet they have some measure of excitement, but it's married up with a little bit of nostalgia and a whole lot of "I'm gonna miss my kids".
After all this time, though, it's gotta be second nature to them. The living out of suitcases and hotels, the constant traveling, the interviews, promos, glad-handing, and all that.
This year, they are the present 'neath my tree. Family members who would have otherwise gotten me 'things' as gifts for Christmas are instead feeding my Jovi fund. Mr. Hath doesn't understand, and Hathlet is excited because I told him if there are shows in Boston I'd take him to one if I can get tickets. (I'm writing this in September, before the date announcements... in case I forget to come back and edit, this is what I'm thinking now).
Enjoy the holidays, boys (and Devotees everywhere).
It'll be back to work soon enough.
~ Hath
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