Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Les Paul Auction

He has as good a claim as any to have given the world rock'n'roll. The name Les Paul is synonymous with both the musician and the guitar; from AC/DC to ZZ Top. He not only gave modern bands their most potent instrument in the form of the eponymous Gibson guitar, but also pioneered the recording techniques that made it possible to capture the music that resulted. But, unknown to many, Les Paul also gave scores of signed guitars to some of the world's biggest stars. Now, for the first time, more than 50 are due to be auctioned in London this October.

Originally destined for Madonna, Sting, Prince and Jon Bon Jovi, among others, they are the instruments that never got to their intended recipients. Now members of the public will have chance to appreciate what the stars spurned.

You can read the rest of the article here.

The part that bothers me about this article (aside from the idea that people -- MUSICIAN people -- would turn down a gift from a legend like Mr. Paul) is this section:
More than 100 signed guitars have been handed to stars by Ron Lovely on Les Paul's behalf. But, amazingly, many intended recipients have failed to take receipt. Mr Lovely revealed last week that it was often not for want of trying on his part. When he attempted to give one to Jon Bon Jovi at a gig in Boston, he was ejected by a security guard and escorted back to his seat, despite his protestations. Similarly, Bob Dylan, despite being a great admirer of Paul, doesn't much care to meet people.
This sounds like he just brought the guitar to the venue, and tried to get backstage before the show.   I don't think the issue is that Jon Bon Jovi "doesn't much care to meet people".  I would think that something like this can't be impromptu -- Mr. Lovely needed to have arranged for the gift to be delivered.  I'm sure in that case, even if for some unknown reason JB didn't want the guitar, Richie would have taken it without a second's hesitation.

In any event, be on the lookout for the auction listings.  Regardless of to whom they were intended, these instruments are a bit of history, and I wish to heaven I had the funds to bid.

~ Hath


Lora August 11, 2010 at 12:34 PM  

wonder if jon will try to get his guitar and how many richie will try to pick up!!

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