Thursday, May 21, 2009

Frank Sinatra Movie

I saw this on Lora Darling's site and had to add my voice to the protest. is running a poll asking readers who should play Frank Sinatra in an upcoming movie.

The choices include Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Joe Jonas, Robert Pattinson and Justin Timberlake.


First of all, you can't have a kid playing Frank, even if the movie spans his whole life. You have to have someone who's lived a life to portray someone like Sinatra.

Secondly, the person HAS to have piercing blue eyes. I mean c'mon. This is Frank Freaking Sinatra here! Piercing...not just blue, Leo.

And have you seen Frank's smile? How it lights up his whole face when he really lets it rip?

Remind you of anyone else? Sheesh.

And have you HEARD Jon Bon sing "My Way"? Sure, it was a duet with Tony but damn, JB kicked ass on that one. He's got more of a range than Timberlake.

Call me crazy, but Jon'd be great in that role. He'd have to color his hair, but hell, we'd forgive him.

~ Hath


Catte Sambora May 21, 2009 at 9:03 AM  

Ohhhhh Woooowwwwww...JBJ as Sinatra! Now THAT's a performance I'd LOVE to see. *swoon* You're absolutely right...he'd be perfect. Just perfect.

Anonymous,  May 21, 2009 at 1:15 PM  

OMG Hath I heard this on the news this morning and thought exactly the same freakin thing!!! I mean come on it should be an obvious choice. And how cool would it be for Jon to play and idol of his - ohhhh and they are going to need a Dean- cue Richie- LOL - Maybe we should start a campaign.

Lora Darling May 21, 2009 at 4:36 PM  

hahahahaha - glad you guys agree w/me!! Jon would be PERFECT, but I bet Leo will get the part :(

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