Thank you, my Devoted!
You have all been so faithful, I've had more than 100,000 hits! Thank you so much for caring about what I have to say :)
You have all been so faithful, I've had more than 100,000 hits! Thank you so much for caring about what I have to say :)
On February 15th, I noticed that some of my mediafire links didn't work. My had been suspended and subsequently deleted because a company called Muso had filed an erroneous complaint against three of my "Wanted Wednesday" files for copyright infringement. Mediafire says there's nothing they can do -- all my files are gone. I'm working on it, but it's slow going.
~ Hath
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No, Thank YOU for brightening my day! :) Your blog is such a happy place in a world of crazy....
Your style is unique, you're also witty and smart.
You know what? I must thank YOU because you inspired me to start writing again after I gave up for... I don't know how many years!
Princess (always more Bonsai)
Hath, you rock!
I love your blog and appreciate the work you put into it. Keep going...
Your trusty reader from Switzerland
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