Thursday, June 04, 2009

Story Updates

Just to give you an update on what's going on in Goddess Land:

I have a birthday story for Willow that is woefully late, but is finally complete -- all 32 pages and 9 chapters of it. I'm editing it now, and it should be posted by the weekend. It just needs a title, because "Happy Birthday Willow" is just lame :)

Rings has a new chapter coming; it just needs final blessing from T before posting.

Believe has a little more to go to finish the chapter I started -- it turned a way I didn't like, and that doesn't really fit in with the story, so I have to edit the hell out of that one. Hopefully for the weekend, but no promises.

Joker has another chapter in edit, nearly ready to post; another day or so on that, I think.

Online has another chapter nearly ready, another couple days on that one -- probably edit it over the weekend and post on Monday.

I haven't forgotten Photographer, but I have to get some of these other projects further along before I can revisit this one.

Since May 20, I've been writing about 1200 words a day (6 days a week) as part of a motivation program with a few other authors, and you're seeing the results.

Hopefully I'll get on a better schedule for posting, but probably not until I get my active projects down to just Rings and Online.

Once those schedules are established, I'll revisit The Collectors (the series I started on T's Place with a birthday story for JovisWoman) and I have two new ideas for full-bore long-haul stories in my head, and I have to pick one, but NOT before I finish Online. One of the stories in my head is FF, the other isn't. I have to decide which to do.

So, there's the update -- like I said, you'll see more stuff soon. Wicked soon. Thanks for being patient with me, my Devoted.

~ Hath


Joviswoman June 4, 2009 at 4:25 PM  

Jaysus woman 1200 a DAY?! Sod me.

But I'm glad we're reaping the benifits ;)

And we love reading your stories.

Keep up the good work/words lol

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(c) 2007-2012 by The Goddess Hathor
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