Monday, September 26, 2011

Advil Ad?

Thanks Kiwi and Rike for dropping this little morsel in my inbox.

A production crew swarmed the Jon Bon Jovi-supported Soul Kitchen on Monmouth Street in Red Bank Monday morning as the pop star prepared to shoot a commercial for pain-reliever Advil that will tout the not-yet-officially-open pay-what-you-can restaurant.

Plans for an official opening of the eatery have not yet been finalized, a Soul Foundation spokeswoman tells redbankgreen.
This, of course, sparked a flurry of emails with commercial tag lines.

How 'bout this one from NL:
"Whether it's blowing my knee out on stage or setting up a pay-if-you-can restaurant, I know I can count on Advil to give me Something For the Pain."
Or maybe it features Dorothea (thanks SK):
"When my husband gets his period...I take an Advil"
I thought he should do an ad for Excedrin, and offered this to the email barrage:
Opening shot, David doing something annoying, pestering Jon.

Jon giving David the Stink Eye then turning to the camera.

"I’ve got a headache THIS BIG (meaningful glance over his shoulder at D), and it’s got Excedrin written all over it."

Richie in the background, whispering "Mine’s bigger" and waggling his eyebrows.

Fade to black.
C'mon, I know there's more cheese out there to be had.

Give us your best "worst" tagline for Jon.

~ Hath


Becky September 27, 2011 at 8:01 AM  

LMAO - I love the Excedrin one!!

Of course I had to move to Europe, where I know I won't see the commercial. (Never mind that the Netherlands doesn't allow ads for medication.)

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