Monday, August 22, 2011

Fan Fiction Directory Updates!

Three updates to the Bon Jovi Fan Fiction Directory:

A new shortie by blushnscarlet, called Irish Whiskey.

His wife filed for divorce and didn't bother to tell him. He had to find out from a reporter. Happy friggin' Groundhog Day. Seeking some comfort to make it through the night, Richie finds solace in a little Irish Whiskey.
This one is a re-label -- the author is publishing under a different name.  Fields of Gold is updating again, and waiting for you!! In case you've forgotten what this one is about:
This is the story of Jenn and Jon - where the worlds of horses and rock'n'roll combine.
And this one, I came across while looking at something else :) Found it by accident. It's called Hook Me Up and is posted by a woman going by Lois_Lane.
Jon is a rock star who is suffering through a mid-life crisis brought on by the fact that he is now 40yrs old and alone. He has devoted most of his life to achieving fame and success beyond his wildest dreams. However that fame has come at a price...
Happy Reading!

~ Hath


Lois_Lane August 23, 2011 at 3:30 AM  

Hey, you found my story! I was going to send it through to you once I had some more chapters up, so now you have saved me the trouble :)

This is my first attempt at ff, but I was inspired after reading so many great stories on the ff directory - there are some really talented writers out there! So, I am also studying at the same time, so I will try to post about 1 chapter per week around study.

Thanks again Hath for linking to my story :)

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... to Laney (aka the Queen of Swing) for the gorgeous banner!
(c) 2007-2012 by The Goddess Hathor
All original content is copyrighted and all intellectual property rights apply.
PLEASE: do not post any of the stories found wholly (or linked) on this site anywhere.
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