Thursday, May 02, 2013

Good Samaritan

Jon Bon Jovi was on hand today when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed into law the state's bipartisan Overdose Protection Act.

Acting on his belief that every human life is precious, while fulfilling his commitment to emphasize drug rehabilitation efforts and his different approach to dealing with drug abuse and addiction, today Governor Chris Christie signed the bipartisan Overdose Protection Act (S2082) into law at a drug rehab center in Paterson. The Governor was joined at the bill signing by Jon Bon Jovi, leading drug prevention advocates and family members of individuals lost to drug overdoses.

The legislation takes a two-prong approach to help prevent drug overdose deaths in New Jersey. First, it provides legal protection to people who are in violation of the law while they are attempting to help a drug overdose victim. Secondly, it eliminates negative legal action against health care professionals or bystanders who administer overdose antidotes in life-threatening situations.

“No life is disposable, and this bill represents a giant leap forward in New Jersey’s commitment to protecting and preserving all life, particularly when people need it most,” said Governor Christie. “As elected officials, it’s our obligation to ensure that we are doing everything we can to prevent tragic deaths from drug overdoses, and I believe this bill will do that. I’m grateful that we were able to come together and reach this bipartisan compromise and take meaningful action on this very important issue today.”

"On behalf of those individuals and their families whose lives will be saved by this important legislation, I want to thank Governor Christie and the New Jersey Legislature for passing the Good Samaritan bill," said Jon Bon Jovi.

Read the full press release HERE

More photos HERE

Governor Christie on Jon Bon Jovi:


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