Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wanted Wednesday: February 18, 2012, Los Angeles, CA (Richie)

Today's a bit different format from the usual Wanted Wednesday. I'm still fighting with Mediafire -- now all my files are gone, and I've had no response from them at all. Neither have I received a response from the company that "found" the questionable files. A lesson in frustration to be sure.

But, I didn't want to go without a Wanted Wednesday this week, so today's selection comes from the Guitar Master Class event this past February 18th. The GMC event was an intimate event featuring Tommy Emmanuel, Richie Sambora, and Laurence Juber. Benefiting the Women and Cancer Fund, tickets were $1000 and were limited to 50 attendees.

One of those attendees took photos and video, and several of you shared them with me :) Thanks so much!!

So here, without further ado, is Richie, with Wanted.

Let's Ride!

jovigirlfm also took other videos:


An Elvis cover, "Baby, What You Want Me To Do?"

And a Beatles cover, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"


Can I Live Here?

The Devoted

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All my stories are pure fiction, and of an adult nature. No offense or harm is meant to anyone. If these types of stories don't appeal to you, don't click the links above.

Some of the other ramblings in my blog,the news-type items, are gathered from Google Alerts and emails I subscribe to, and things my friends send me. They're as accurate as the data I receive :o)

Please, come on in, look around a bit, and stay a while. And, if you end up reading something, please leave me a comment so I know you were here...

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Thank You....

... to Laney (aka the Queen of Swing) for the gorgeous banner!
(c) 2007-2012 by The Goddess Hathor
All original content is copyrighted and all intellectual property rights apply.
PLEASE: do not post any of the stories found wholly (or linked) on this site anywhere.
Links are OK, text excerpts are not.
I am in no way affiliated with the band or any of its members. I'm simply a fan looking for a way to celebrate my favorite band.

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