Monday, January 09, 2012

Bergman Interview

Thanks to CatteSambora for this information.

David Bergman did a call-in interview with his old buddy Silverman on Sports. It's about 30 minutes long, and can be found here..

The interview is mostly about football and photography, but (of course) there's a little Bon Jovi in there as well. Catte edited out the About-Bon-Jovi parts, and put that up on my mediafire, here.

Some highlights:

- The story of the "Death Pic" from the mansion
- Stephanie was (apparently) the first one to get the call - "Hey Dad, you're Dead"
- A little more about photography tips for Jon
- Nothing official but Bon Jovi will likely "go back out" in 2013
- Shout-out to "all the Bon Jovi fans listening" (and shameless plea by Silverman for Bon Jovi fans to follow him on Twitter)

~ Hath


Anonymous,  January 9, 2012 at 11:04 PM  

No shame in asking Bon Jovi fans to follow @SilvermanShow or visit

SILVERMAN: On Sports brought David Bergman to the masses and to the Bon Jovi fans. A sports talk show host that brings David to the BJ fans should be thanked, followed and enjoyed!

Glad you enjoyed the interview. David is always a great guest!

The Goddess Hathor January 10, 2012 at 5:36 AM  

@Anon - no disrespect meant -- the comment was intended as tongue-in-cheek.

The interview was great!

~ Hath

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