Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mid-Day Motivator: Bless Me Father

LOL, Bay. I think the guys must see all SORTS of things from their vantage point. Wonder what the strangest thing was?

~ Hath


Anonymous,  September 15, 2011 at 3:51 PM  

I LOVE the Mid-Day Motivators!

Anonymous,  September 15, 2011 at 5:36 PM  

I was watching a video from the 2010 part of the tour and at one point while jon is going off to Bobby;s side of the stage, a woman lifts up her shirt and flashes him and I'm not trying to be mean or biased or anything, but she wasn't skinny, she was a little over weight. I can't remember what exact concert it was or the song, but I remember seeing it on youtube. I'll bet that is the least of it.

Anonymous,  September 15, 2011 at 7:23 PM  

One of the girls that was in our rather large group had a sign "nice package" now that was quite the conversation we had with Jonny that night :)

The Goddess Hathor September 16, 2011 at 7:29 AM  

@Anon(1) you have mostly Bayaderra to thank. She does most of them for me. I have a few from some others, but most are hers. Glad you like them!!

@Anon(2) I don't think you're mean or biased. I'm glad that girl had the self-confidence to, um, express herself :) And you're right, that's probably the very least of what they've seen!!

@Anon(3) I can just imagine!

~ Hath

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