Monday, May 02, 2011

Jazz Fest

There are several articles and reviews out there, but frankly, most irritate me with a silly semantics error. I know, I know, just read the damned article and move on, but calling Phil X Richie's "replacement" rubs me wrong for some reason. He's a sub. A fill-in. Not a replacement.

That being said, as the band's choice to carry the not insubstantial weight of being in Richie's right-hand position, as well as the underwhelming support from a good portion of the fandom he did very well, and looks like he had a great time.

Sure the sound wasn't quite the same.

Of course the chemistry was different.

But PhilX did a great job, and will only get better the more shows he does with the band. Check it out for yourself. There are a number of videos up on the BJCT blog.

Here's part of what PopEater had to say about the night's performance:

Filling in for Sambora was the extremely proficient Phil "X" Xenidis, who comes complete with his own set of rock star hair and great moves, though his playing excludes Sambora's nuanced, often bluesy touch.

Oddly, during the main show Jon Bon Jovi never addressed the pink elephant in the room -- that his partner-in-crime for many years was not beside him on stage -- other than to coyly say to the audience, "And what's been going on in your life?," several songs in.

For the encore, Jon Bon Jovi smartly trotted out in a New Orleans Saints jersey, screaming "Who dat," before launching into 'Dead or Alive.' As well as Xenidis played, it was one of the times that Sambora's absence was palpable. To close the show, Bon Jovi performed 'Living on a Prayer,' with the lead singer kicking it off with an a capella verse, his voice having only gained momentum as the night progressed. In the only clear acknowledgement that Sambora wasn't present, Jon Bon Jovi said, "I'm sending this out to our brother Richie."
I spoke with a few people who were at the show, and though Richie's absence was notable (according to fans anyway, not necessarily the critics who published articles in the press) the show was good, high-energy, and Phil did an admirable job filling in for our favorite guitarist.

~ Hath


Cindy aka Miss Moose May 2, 2011 at 10:26 AM  

I agree Hath. I saw some of the videos and he did do an admiral job. But he is just a substitute for now and not a replacement. The one video that was the hardest to see wast "Wanted". It may be my imagination since I am a Richie girl, but Jon seemed a bit sad on that one. And when he dedicated LOAP to "our brother Richie" he seemed just a bit choked up. These critic jerks need to realize that this band has always been very private about what goes on in the "Circle". Jon was not going to sit and talk about Richie during the show. I would have rather seen him dedicate "KTF" to him but at least he let Richie know they were thinking of him. OK down off my soapbox for now. Keep up the good work Hath.

Anonymous,  May 2, 2011 at 11:57 AM  

There isn't too much of a difference between Sub and Replacement if the articles make it clear the replacement is for the time being only.
I don't know whether it was better or worse for their first Richie-less outing ever to have been a far less intimate "festival" setting. The mentality of many 'diehards' makes me think it was better.
I hope the guy did well as, as great as this opportunity is for him, it is a bit of a thankless role. I didn't watch the videos as I've seen so many Jovi videos over the past couple of years, I have a hard time not overloading when it's a whole band let alone a special lineup, and I mean this with absolutely no disrespect to Jon Tico or David.

Johanne May 2, 2011 at 7:35 PM  

Phil X is far from being a newcomer in the business! He was part of the group Triumph back in the 80's... when I was young and innocent! LOL

I just wished that people would give the guy a little bit of credit! I'm quite sure that the Band discussed with Richie, who would be best to fill in for him on such short notice. I'm confident that Phil will gain some fans out there! Richie's not there so we better make the best out of it! I prefer Richie not there for now than Richie not there for ever!

Good job Hath!

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