5 weeks ago
On February 15th, I noticed that some of my mediafire links didn't work. My had been suspended and subsequently deleted because a company called Muso had filed an erroneous complaint against three of my "Wanted Wednesday" files for copyright infringement. Mediafire says there's nothing they can do -- all my files are gone. I'm working on it, but it's slow going.
~ Hath
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GAH! ALMOST enough to turn me into a Pats fan... now if it were Richie in that tee...
Looks like JBJ cut his hair. And what's with the baggy jeans? Oh, no no no no NO, my dear!
E-A-G-L-E-S! : )
Bring it on, Catte. Tomorow night. You. Me. Your *pfft* Eagles. My *tah-DAH* Pats.
We'll see what's what....
~ Hath
I'm with you Hath!!! Its you and me vs Catte and Willow ... LOL. The Pats are gonna show them who's boss! (though it IS a pre-season game so who the hell knows which players are going to be on the field...)
I'm lovin' Jon's old-school Pats shirt.
Thanks for posting these, Hath.
Hmmm... Somebody's feelin' SMUG, eh? Alright, Girls, It's ON! There's a Rumble in Tha House!!! >:)
Maybe since it's pre-season you Pats can suit up the "Candy-Ass Rock Star..." (LOL-you know how my alter-ego loves calling him that). I think the Eagles will be playing the water boy, the beer guy, and possibly the mascot for at least a quarter or so...
(But I must concede, I do love the old-school Pats shirt, too).
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