Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Hath on Hiatus

Hey everyone -- with the exception of the April mid-day motivators (which I have scheduled to post), I'm going to be scarce over the next couple of months.  My real life persona is going through a tough life choice -- my job is moving from my beloved Bahstin to halfway down the Eastern Seaboard.

So the tough life choice?

(a) Uproot my Hathlet?  Leave everything that is familiar, including my close-knit family?


(b) Lose my job.
Those are my choices.  Nice, huh?

I -- well we -- have 6 weeks to decide.

So during that time, I may post something Jovi-esque from time to time when I need a break from the brain melting activities involved in sorting out if an 800 mile relocation is do-able, but the Wanted Wednesday (for one) will definitely be on hiatus for the time being.  Now I need to focus on my family.  I hope you understand.

We did get some good news today -- Richie's album is supposed to drop in July (at least that's what he tweeted earlier).

At least by then, I'll know what I'm doing.



Sometimes being a responsible adult sucks ass.

~ Hath


jenny April 3, 2012 at 9:05 PM  

Concentrate on your family Hath. Your "jovi" family will be here waiting for you. Good luck with your decision making I hope the right thing comes to you. If you have to go with the move, hopefully it will turn into a those who dare win kind of thing.

alicefayenjbj April 3, 2012 at 9:40 PM  

We'll be here when you're ready. Where would those 800 miles put you?

We'll miss you, but know you'll be back.

Alice Faye

Anonymous,  April 3, 2012 at 9:42 PM  

Good luck Hath. The Jovi family will wait. Concentrate on the real family. Life choices do suck!

Johanne April 3, 2012 at 10:14 PM  

Tough choices, but kids are very adaptable persons! So whatever you decide, your little one will be happy anywhere, because you'll be there! Good luck!!

PS - we will all be here when you come back!

Anonymous,  April 3, 2012 at 10:19 PM  

Best wishes to you and your family. There are good and bad points in each decision you make in life. We will miss you. Take care.

Cathy,  April 3, 2012 at 11:48 PM  

Don't you worry, we all know what is the most important. Oh I mean besides a JBJ sighting in Vegas on 4/28! I am determined....anyway, we all wish you the best and we are all here when you return. Good luck and god speed.

P.S. (Princess Sue),  April 4, 2012 at 5:46 AM  

You know I'll support you with whatever choice you decide. Don't be pressured by anyone else though, make up your own mind. Of course I'm freaking out, but that's ok... :) !!! At least if you move I'll have a new vacation destination!

Emerald Isle April 4, 2012 at 8:37 AM  

Good luck with whatever you decide to do Hath, you'll make the right decision for yourself in the end - just a bitch getting to that point!! Wishing you a stress free few months!! xxx

Anonymous,  April 4, 2012 at 12:57 PM  

I live in Durham, NC. This area is a great place to live, not perfect, but I really like it here. Contact me if you want more info. Renee rasherman1@gmail.com

Audra Thomas April 5, 2012 at 12:14 AM  

In this economy, you don't have much choice but to make the move. Think of it as an adventure! Thinking good thoughts for you and yours :)

Njgirl4523 April 6, 2012 at 3:29 AM  

After 42 years living in NJ my whole life, I moved my husband and 2 kids to Singapore for my career. It was the right choice even though we miss our family. It's not forever, and Skype is a wonderful thing and we promised to be home every year for big family vacation at NJ shore. Will you and your family grow from this experience - personally and professionally? is your husband mobile? "Can't win 'til you're not afraid to lose..." Either way you'll make the right choice for you. Best of luck!

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